Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Insert clever title here
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
I don't get it
I don't get why we don't see the tragedy that is killing us all slowly, stripping us of our purpose, cutting us off from living longer.
I don't get why we can say that it's wrong to do something, yet we are lacking in love, in hope, and in peace.
I don't get why time and time again, while there are millions around the world starving, we complain about how much sleep we weren't able to get in our nice warm beds.
I don't get it.
I don't understand why amidst a war that has been going on, soldiers die for their country,yet on a daily basis, thousands of innocent lives die before they had the chance to live.
I don't get it.
I don't understand that while all this is going on, we are arguing amongst ourselves.
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
I don't get why we say "freedom of religion", when as each day goes by, it becomes more like:
"freedom of all religions....except Christianity".
I don't understand that while a person is living, they are despised and few support them, yet once they depart from this earth, everyone celebrates their existence.
I don't get it.
I don't understand why people support Martin Luther King Jr, and "everything he stood for", yet when we point out he was a man of faith, a man of God, people say that what he believed in had nothing to do with it.
It had everything to do with it.
I don't get why people say that religion hardens hearts and enslaves minds,
when the greatest minds this world has ever seen were men and women of God.
But I don't get it.
I don't get why during the Holiday season, we have to say "Happy Holidays", yet two months earlier, everyone says "Happy Hallloween".
Merry Christmas, I say.
I don't get it.
I don't understand why on that cross, He said 'Father, forgive them. For they know not what they do',
yet we continue to do it anyway. . .
"For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."
-John 3:16
I think I get it now. . .
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sometimes, you've gotta be childish!!
I remember yesterday at work, a few of the kids came up to me throughout the course of my shift and were asking me if I was going to the rollerskating rink (My job was having a field trip with all the kids and were taking them out for a few hours; the rollerskating rink was their destination). And what really got me, was how many kids remembered that I wasn't going with them and why. It went something like this:
Kid: Hey Sol, you're not going to rollerworld with us?
Me: No, I can't it's friday
Kid: Ohhh go to church on fridays I forgot
Kid: Solmaria, how come you're not going to rollerworld??
Me: Well, I have church tonight
Kid: Oh yeaaa it's friday...but don't you wanna have fun?!?!
Me: Yes, and that's why I'm going to church. I have more fun worshipping God than anything else
Kid: yea, but..
Me: Listen! When Jesus comes to get His people, rollerworld is
staying behind, so you better believe that I gotta be ready at all times!
Kid: Huh? But I go to church
Other kid: Yeah, but she's a REAL Christian (I'm laughing at this point because this kids are unbelievable lol)
Me: Anyways, God is more important than rollerworld, I have church tonight, that's it.
So that was pretty much how my day went from the time I went til the time I left. It was crazy though, stuff like that happens so often where I work, sometimes we forget how much kids remember and how thoughtful they really are. Another thing that gets me, is no matter how defensive or aggressive a child gets, a child is still a child. They'll come up to you crying that somebody else pushed them or something, or they'll be excited that they got a 90 on an assignment in school that day, or they'll just do something totally unexpected that reminds you that they're still a kid. No matter how much of an adult a child will try to act, they'll do something simple that still implies that they're still growing, still learning, still trying to understand the world around them.
The Bible says that we have to be like children to enter the kingdom of heaven. And sometimes I ask myself, what does that really mean? There's so much we can learn from children, it's amazing. For one, how genuine they are. They'll come up to you and give you one of those hugs that even if you're having the worst day ever, you know things will be alright. They love from the heart, they put their trust in adults so much. If something is bothering them, they won't hide it, they'll let you know when they're upset! And if they've done something wrong, they'll come up to you and apologize for whatever it is they've done, and the next minute they're smiling and happy. I feel like that's one of the ways that God wants us to be like children, He wants us to be real, to be genuine and express ourselves to Him. To be able to tell Him "God, I don't like this!", whatever it may be...and to come into His presence and embrace Him, tell Him how much we love Him, how much we put our trust in Him, and how much He means to us.
I love God!!! =)
Monday, March 9, 2009
"You don't understand" part 2
I'll end with this: the next time you think about how awful your life is, or how bad you have it, think it through. Think about the millions of people around the world suffering, people that have it way worse off than you do.
Small children, knowing what starvation is before they know how a real meal tastes, or how to crawl, or laugh on a regular basis
People violently beaten and raped their whole lives without having a say in what goes on in their life, so much to the point where they're numb to the wrong that's being done to them.
I'm sick and tired of the way we complain, having the blessings that we do. Being able to wake up every morning and know that there is food in the fridge, a roof over our head, feeling warm, embraced by safety. I'm tired of people complaining "my life sucks", or "nobody has it as bad as I do". Lemme tell you something, we need to start counting our blessings because sometimes we take for granted how privileged we truly are. Give God thanks that you're alive and well, and if there's something in your life that you feel is truly difficult and you can't take it anymore, congratulations, you get the picture. Let go and let GOD.
"You don't understand" part 1
Here's the thing, GOD knows exactly what you are going through. Look in a mirror, He created you. Look around you, He created it all! God is all-knowing, He knows and understands exactly how you feel and what you're going through. In fact, He knew what you were going to before you went through it, the Word proves it.
9remember the former things of old;
for I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me,
10declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times things not yet done,
saying, 'My counsel shall stand,
and I will accomplish all my purpose,'-Isaiah 46:9-10
In other words, before it happened for us, it already happened in front of God. Remember, He has no time constraints, so He is not limited to a minute, an hour, a second, etc. The Bible says that to God, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day. He exists in eternity, so therefore when a word is spoken through the mouth of God, to us it might not be a reality yet, but it's already in existence in eternity. Maybe I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself here, but that's something that blows my mind just thinking about it.
Now then, where was I? Oh yes, the "nobody understands me" phenomenon. Look, lemme tell you something, you might be right in saying "you don't understand" to someone, because you're probably right. That person probably doesn't understand your exact situation or circumstance, because they're not you. They don't deal with problems the way you do, their emotions don't manifest in the way yours do, and they might not have as short of a temper as you do, or they might not have had the same upbringing as you.
My response? SO WHAT. So what if nobody understands you? So what if your parents abandoned you? So what if you feel like you have the whole weight of the world on your shoulders and no one to help you? So what if nobody wants to be your boyfriend or girlfriend? SO WHAT? So what if your friends leave you hanging or mock you? SO WHAT?
When nobody understands you,
GOD understands you.
(Jeremiah 29:11)
If your parents abandoned you,
GOD will pick you up.
(Psalms 27:10)
If you feel like you have the whole weight of the world on your shoulders,
GOD carries it all.
(Isaiah 53:5)
If you don't feel loved,
GOD loves you.
(Romans 5:8)
If your friends leave you hanging,
GOD is always there.
(Joshua 1:9)
If your friends make fun of you,
remember who you serve!
(Galatians 6:7)
to be continued....
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
The lamp of everything that lies within,
The winding road of things left unsaid
Hopes, goals, dreams,
Recounted with but a glance
Happiness, joy, peace
Swing sets. . .
Chuck E. Cheese,
A far away land
Driving for hours,
Spoons, forks, knives
Homemade meals,
A new pair of shoes
People, places, faces
Words and phrases
A moment
Running, running, running,
Dirty socks
Summer days
Sidewalk chalk
Front steps, doorbell
Together again,
Together at last
Break the chains, melt them away
How can He help you today?
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Moderately distraught
For this reason, I firmly believe that God permits us to fall, mess up, or be insulted by somebody, so that we recognize ourselves. Let me explain that again, I think that God lets us mess up so that we recognize that we are not perfect. He permits us to fall so that we recognize that we are just as much a sinner as the people who surround us, and He teaches us humility through quarrels, when people tell us things like "you think you're better than everyone else", or "you have favorites". Sometimes we get angry when someone hurts us, it's not a good feeling to get called out like that; but it's necessary! It helps us think "wow, is that true? Is that really the attitude that I'm portraying?" And in that situation, we are able to kneel in God's presence and say "wow, I'm sorry Lord, I don't wanna be like this, this person said that I act this way but I don't see it. . .change me, God!!" See? It humbles us. We recognize the error of our ways!
Sometimes we think "wow people talk a lot", but we have to change our mentality. Instead of saying they talk a lot we have to think "Lord, am I giving them a reason to talk?" We need to use every situation as an opportunity to step closer to God, regardless of what people say. People will always have something to say, but are you giving them the material? It's not about saying "I don't care" and proceeding in our pride and arrogance, it's about recognizing, reflecting, and renewing our minds as Paul says in Romans 12:2.
Those who believe, those who have been washed in the blood of the Lamb, we are all one body, one Spirit, one Faith, one Baptism, and we serve one God! Through Christ Jesus, we are all family, we are all soldiers in the army of the Lord. Why would you want to kill your family with the vile and despicable things that you have to say? You're destroying a part of you! Why would an infantryman turn his rifle on his brother? He'd be destroying himself, reducing the chance he has for victory in battle!!
My brothers and sisters, we are a team. Can we step back from our opinions of everyone else, just for a moment, to think about what our purpose is on this earth? And if we can't remember, maybe it's time we all just get on our knees and ask God.
"Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall."
-1 Corinthians 10:12.
"Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God. . ."
- 2 Corinthians 3:5
"But we all, with open face beholding as in a glass the glory of the Lord, are changed into the same image from glory to glory, even as by the Spirit of the Lord."
-2 Corinthians 3:18
The Lord is looking for genuine, humble people. People who recognize that God is love (1John 4:8), and want to be full of His presence, meaning be full of His love. We are all here to help each other out, but there is a fine line between helping and hindering. If you think someone is in the wrong, pray for them. There is not one thing hidden in the darkness that has not come to light. And if they are in sin, pray so that God may have mercy on their soul, so that they may repent from their ways and be able to serve God. It is not His will that anyone should perish, but that they may come to repentance through Christ Jesus. THAT is why He sent His son to die for us, and that is why we are still here.
The same way God had mercy on you and me, God can have mercy on others. He is God, remember, we're not in charge here. I could go on about this topic, but I'll leave it here for now. God bless!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Chivalry: no longer wanted
Remember back in the day when a man would hold open the door for a woman? And the woman, who was ever so grateful for such an act of kindness would walk through the door with a polite "thank you", smile and go on her way?
Yea, those days are GONE. And who's to blame? I think Helen Andelin describes it best when she says:
"If chivalry is dead, women have killed it. They have killed it by becoming capable, efficient, and independent, able to kill their own snakes. They prove by their strength and ability that they don't need masculine care and protection, that they are well able to take care of themselves. They commonly display their capacity to solve their own problems and fight their own battles. To awaken chivalry we must return to femininity. We must stop doing the masculine things and become the gentle, tender, dependent women we were designed to be, women who need masculine care and protection. When we do, men will delight in offering their chivalry."
And I agree. Somewhat. I am grateful for my female sisters for standing up and speaking out during the women's suffrage movement...but here's the thing, I think they went about it the wrong way. Okay, some women were being treated inferior and let's face it, that was wrong on society's part AKA men. It was wrong on men to interpret women's roles as that of less value, because in God's eyes, man is not better than woman, and vice versa.
"Will it be so hard to submit to someone who puts you ahead of himself, who would die for you? To someone who is one with you in more ways than the physical?"
Well. I'm sure I have upset a few people with that. But hey, God tells me I should submit to my husband then I am going to submit. Why not? I'm sorry but ladies, hear me out when I say that if you're going to be involved with a man, you need a man that is going to be the MAN in the relationship. He has a role, duty, and responsibility towards you, just as you have a role, duty, and responsibility towards him. Embrace it, it's a beautiful thing.
"Chivalry is in the hearts of many, many men - the only way it can be awakened though is if we change OUR behavior and outlook on our purpose. Before we can expect men to be better, we need look, feel, and act more feminine. "
Ladies, there are a lot of sweet gentlemen out there who still want to hold open a door for you, carry your books, or pull a chair out for you to sit down. I know it may seem 'old fashioned', and I'm not saying that all these gestures are going to come into your life on behalf of any one man, but I'm just saying, if a guy wants to hold open a door for you, please don't roll your eyes at him, then complain later that he thought you couldn't do it on your own. I love how the people that complain about a guy holding the door for them are the same people who complain when a guy doesn't hold open the door for them. It's great.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
25 Random things about me
2) I turn 21 this year, no big deal to me it's just another year that God has blessed me with, and I have no interest in consuming alcohol whatsoever...
3) I have 2 "half brothers". I grew up with the oldest, Angel, and the 2nd oldest, Kevin, lives in Rhode Island at the moment, but I never call them "half-brothers" because they're both whole people [in my mind, if they're both my half brothers, that would mean I only had 1 brother...that's confusing!]I had lost touch with Kevin for 10 years, not having any idea what had become of him...but I got back in touch with him on MySpace and its as if he was always around :) Wish he didn't live so far though :(
4) I can keep a secret, most of the time because I forget what was said..
5) I miss my dad terribly, yet he lives two cities away
6) Italian food is my favorite!
7) Needles scare the crap outta me; I develop the sudden urge to faint when I'm around them
8) I love being around people, but in my own little corner...yes, Im shy
9) My name was almost "Sophia"....
10) I had a 7 year addiction to pornography from a very young age, but the Lord delivered me from it!!
11) I love animals; I always wanted to be a vet, and to this day I regret not going down that path...
12) I'm so carefree in so many ways, that a tornado could pass through and I'd be chillin' staring at the thing...
13) I wanna walk into a funeral parlor one day, in the middle of a funeral, and pray over the body of the person who passed a way and say IN THE NAME OF JESUS!! And for God to lift that person up outta the casket....I believe it!!
14) I could never take a good enough "peace sign pic" for MySpace, hence why I don't have any in my albums....
15) I'm pro-life and I'll argue with you to the grave about why abortion is wrong..
16) I can move my knuckles with a closed fist...though that's not random, I usually show people at one point or another. haha
17) I love preaching God's Word. . .Even though I'm shy, it's something that I love to do!!
18) My right thumb has a deformed nail that's cracked and grows in a zigzag shape...while the rest are fine...Don't worry, I'm not diseased or anything lol
19) Wow 19 already? This is going by fast...uhm...uhm...I like to be silly. hehe
20) I love crying.
21) I have this really bad jealousy complex...particularly guys that are close to me, I become extremely territorial and want their attention to be focused on me, and I get mad if I think that someone else is getting the spotlight from one of my best guy friends....It's sounds worse than it is. Lol. And don't worry, GOD is helping me get over it...
22) I'm a radical Pentecostal...If you thought I was crazy before, darlin' you ain't seen nothin yet!
23) I tend to over-analyze things, so much to the point where I'll be sitting there quietly, but inside I'll be thinking how ridiculous of a remark I made or whatever...
24) I've always wanted to write a book, and I just might do that...
25) Sometimes I wish I woulda stayed at Gordon, at least one more semester.
Monday, February 2, 2009
Part of my Testimony
So here I am, discussing a portion of my life story with a MAN OF GOD who is gonna preach the Word of God one day in the name of Jesus, and it dawns on me: why don't I share this with everybody else out there?
note: what I am about to tell you may be shocking, due to the fact that knowing my background I was raised in church, et cetera, I'm a girl, yadda yadda yadda...But I want all those people out there, young and old but especially the youth to understand God's purpose for your life, and no matter what you've been through or what you're going through, GOD is mighty to save. I'm not concerned about the ones who might judge me because of what I'm about to share, and I'm not concerned with the ones who after reading this will doubt the calling God has over my life. But you wanna know something? Keep doubting, keep talking, Ima keep praising God and walking, because where I'm going, there's no need to pay attention to what others are gonna say. as Pochi says, ama shake it off
Ever since I can remember I had issues with guys. Big issues. I think it stemmed from the dysfunctional relationship I had with my father. I mean I was tight with him, but I don't really remember any solid memories. all I remember is him comin around once in a blue, or promising to show up and him not coming around @ all.
In fifth grade, I was in a car with some people, including my mother and one of the ladies in church, who was driving. I had my sister sitting on my lap, and this brother was sitting to the right of me, and on the opposite side of the car, was this preacher that he came with.
This brother was about 17 years old at the time. and long story short, he basically started feeling me up in the car. I didn't know what was going on, but I didn't know what to do. Something was telling me to yell for help, but something else was telling me that it was okay because it "felt good" so I was just sitting there frozen, and no one noticed
Finally when I built up the strength to tell on him, I told my mom n she believed me, then I told my pastor at the time...but that pastor didn't believe me. 'cause she went to the kid and asked him, and he said that he was "tickling me"
I was upset, confused, angry mad. I was like 9 or 10 years old, and I was so lost. Where was my dad to defend me??? where was God??? how come nobody believed me???
Fast forward a few years later, 12 years old. It is not a coincidence, that in that same year, the Lord had baptized me with His Holy Spirit, and speaking in tongues... Following the technology age, I start to have access to a computer. Lo and behold, someone decides to start downloading certain material on there. Me being the sneaky child that I was, I snooped around, waiting to find something. . . And to this day, I don't even know what I was looking for. It is now that I understand that it was a trap set by the devil.
So there it was: full blown pornography. And I was like what is this??? I shut it off, and then left to my room. But I went back, and started watching it again.
And those feelings came back, the carnal ones I had when that guy molested me. Something continued to draw me into that. And so it continued into a seven year struggle.. .
I couldn't sleep if I didn't watch that stuff. Couldn't function normally at all. My days of going to bed thinking about running around at the playground were over. Lust plagued my mind, my heart, everything. And mind you, I was still in church. But church really wasn't in me anymore... I loved God, I wanted to look for Him, but I felt so tied down, I felt so ashamed because of that. and i let that be an excuse; that I wasn't strong enough to let that go so I couldn't serve God anymore.
I let it take over my life basically. And suffered the consequences...I won't go into full details cuz some of it Im not at liberty to discuss. But at one point I considered prostitution, going bisexual, becoming a lesbian, all because the lust I had build upon more lust. Until one day, I said NO.
(See, the enemy cannot force you to do something that you don't want to. He will lead you into it, persuade you, tell you half truths and try and get to your head and make you THINK that it's all good, but bottom line when it comes to making a choice, he cannot force you to do anything you don't want to do. Once you know how to defeat him in your mind, you're on your way!)
There came a point around last year, summertime to be exact, when I realized that what God had for me was way better than all that WAY WAY WAY better. and that if I wanted to truly be happy, I was going to have to let that go COMPLETELY, not partially...starting with what happened that day, since that was the door the enemy used to step in that area of my life in the first place.
So I did, I forgave him, I said "God I LOOSE this man from my life and every trespass he has committed against me!" and I felt free. Haven't watched pornography since, glory goes to God. what got me into God? His love.
Just the way Ive seen His hand moving in my life, how we would be here at home n not have a cent, but God would touch someone to just show up and be like "God told me to give this 100 dollars to you 'cause you need take it"
Or how in the moments where I felt too weak to live or to heartbroken to do anything, God reminded me of His love, and that kept me going.... Psalms 34:18 says "The LORD is near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit." He is what keeps me going, every single day. And to some, it may not make sense as to why I'm here. 'Wow, you were messed up! How do you deserve that?' And friends, that's the BEAUTY of it all, is that I DON'T deserve anything that God has to offer me! I don't deserve anything that He has given me. Only by His neverending, neverfailing, Grace, Love, and Mercy am I standing here today! God loves you. The same way He loves me, and the same way as He loves my brothers and sisters. You are His, He created you with a purpose. Yeah, that's right, YOU! No matter what people tell you, or what they think of you, the only thing that matters is what GOD thinks of you, and trust me, He thinks very highly of you. =]
I am eternally grateful to Him. . .He is what keeps me going day in and day out. And in the words of brother Marvin...."Never would have made it, without You [JESUS]!!!"
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Cancelled Superbowl Ad
Friday, January 30, 2009
But I just wanted to say this: It's amazing how God works in ways that you'll never understand. Im not talking about in the natural, I'm talking about in the spiritual.
And as for the natural, it's amazing how we as humans can change our minds once circumstances change, even when we are so set in what we think and how we feel about things. Example, atheist doesn't believe in God, swears up and down left and right that they don't believe in God. Yet when something bad happens the first one they mention is God, as in "see, if God was real this wouldn't have happened". Their entire agenda and life and whatever else they do is spent on proving God wrong. If they are so sure that He isn't real, why do they insist so much? I know leprechauns aren't real, but you don't see me proving that point every 6 minutes of my life.
no wow. Only GOD deserves a WOW.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
A word to the wise
GOD: "I would, but you're too busy talking to everybody else."
sometimes it's the sad truth...but there is redemption. Humble yourself and talk to GOD, He's all ears when you do so. . .
"Though the LORD be high, yet hath he respect unto the lowly: but the proud he knoweth afar off."
-Psalms 138:6
When we make the choice to get close to GOD, and put everything else on hold, that's when we're steering towards the right direction. GOD bless.
Deja de estar bailando cerca de la boca del enemigo!
deja de estar bailando cerca de la boca del enemigo que lo que el quiere hacer es devorarte!! SOBMETEOS A DIOS, RESISTID AL DIABLO, Y DE VOSOTROS EL HUIRA!! (SANTIAGO 4:7)