Monday, February 16, 2009

Chivalry: no longer wanted

Remember back in the day when a man would hold open the door for a woman? And the woman, who was ever so grateful for such an act of kindness would walk through the door with a polite "thank you", smile and go on her way?

Yea, those days are GONE. And who's to blame? I think Helen Andelin describes it best when she says:

"If chivalry is dead, women have killed it. They have killed it by becoming capable, efficient, and independent, able to kill their own snakes. They prove by their strength and ability that they don't need masculine care and protection, that they are well able to take care of themselves. They commonly display their capacity to solve their own problems and fight their own battles. To awaken chivalry we must return to femininity. We must stop doing the masculine things and become the gentle, tender, dependent women we were designed to be, women who need masculine care and protection. When we do, men will delight in offering their chivalry."

And I agree. Somewhat. I am grateful for my female sisters for standing up and speaking out during the women's suffrage movement...but here's the thing, I think they went about it the wrong way. Okay, some women were being treated inferior and let's face it, that was wrong on society's part AKA men. It was wrong on men to interpret women's roles as that of less value, because in God's eyes, man is not better than woman, and vice versa.

"Will it be so hard to submit to someone who puts you ahead of himself, who would die for you? To someone who is one with you in more ways than the physical?"

Well. I'm sure I have upset a few people with that. But hey, God tells me I should submit to my husband then I am going to submit. Why not? I'm sorry but ladies, hear me out when I say that if you're going to be involved with a man, you need a man that is going to be the MAN in the relationship. He has a role, duty, and responsibility towards you, just as you have a role, duty, and responsibility towards him. Embrace it, it's a beautiful thing.

"Chivalry is in the hearts of many, many men - the only way it can be awakened though is if we change OUR behavior and outlook on our purpose. Before we can expect men to be better, we need look, feel, and act more feminine. "

Ladies, there are a lot of sweet gentlemen out there who still want to hold open a door for you, carry your books, or pull a chair out for you to sit down. I know it may seem 'old fashioned', and I'm not saying that all these gestures are going to come into your life on behalf of any one man, but I'm just saying, if a guy wants to hold open a door for you, please don't roll your eyes at him, then complain later that he thought you couldn't do it on your own. I love how the people that complain about a guy holding the door for them are the same people who complain when a guy doesn't hold open the door for them. It's great.

1 comment:

  1. Amen Sister! Now, since my identity is a secret I must refrain from choosing sides. But I agree with what you are saying. When men hold doors open they are not trying to tell the woman in a subtle way that they are inferior, no...they are just trying to be nice gentlemen. Whether boy or girl I like when a door is opened for me! However, men need to be careful because just because the bible says that the wife should submit there is an equal partnership involved. It's not for the man to thump himself on the chest and declare himself king and his way is the law of the no no! God made Eve from man's rib, close to his heart...not from the bottom of the man's foot! So, men out there remember, the Women are the guardian's of your heart just like your ribs are, take care of them for they protect something important to you!
