Monday, March 9, 2009

"You don't understand" part 2

You see, what I wanted to say with that is this: that it doesn't matter what you're going through or how you're feeling, God is bigger than your problem. In the times that we feel that we can't go on, those are the times where we need God the most, to help us through it all. God lets us know through the Bible, that His grace is enough! That His power is made PERFECT in our weakness (2 Cor.12:9). In other words, when we are weak, we recognize how much we cannot simply depend on ourselves. Sometimes we get a little comfortable, and things have to get shook up for us to realize that we haven't "made it" yet. There is more to accomplish, so much more. That God desires a whole man, not just a fraction. He wants us to give Him everything, why not let Him in? You might be asking yourself "wait a sec, God is God, can't he just do it?" Well my friend, God is a gentleman, and He's not gonna barge in uninvited. He knocks, yes. He speaks to us through His word, through people, however He pleases. But the one thing He'll never do, is force us to do things against our will. If He was that way, Adam and Eve would have never sinned. They would have had that programmed into them not to do wrong, and without flinching they would have rejected the forbidden fruit. But as we all know, it didn't turn out that way...but as always, God had a plan. Glory to Jesus!

I'll end with this: the next time you think about how awful your life is, or how bad you have it, think it through. Think about the millions of people around the world suffering, people that have it way worse off than you do.

Small children, knowing what starvation is before they know how a real meal tastes, or how to crawl, or laugh on a regular basis

People violently beaten and raped their whole lives without having a say in what goes on in their life, so much to the point where they're numb to the wrong that's being done to them.

I'm sick and tired of the way we complain, having the blessings that we do. Being able to wake up every morning and know that there is food in the fridge, a roof over our head, feeling warm, embraced by safety. I'm tired of people complaining "my life sucks", or "nobody has it as bad as I do". Lemme tell you something, we need to start counting our blessings because sometimes we take for granted how privileged we truly are. Give God thanks that you're alive and well, and if there's something in your life that you feel is truly difficult and you can't take it anymore, congratulations, you get the picture. Let go and let GOD.

"You don't understand" part 1

Of all the words and phrases I hear on a day to day and case by case basis, I must say that the words "you", "don't", and "understand", combined to form the phrase "you don't understand", have to take the cake. Oh, and there's the occasional "nobody understands", which eliminates every man woman and child to ever walk the earth, plus all the other creatures in existence. Now, I have a bone to pick with whoever says this. From personal experience, I can say you're wrong. I know because I was wrong to say that too, God showed me something and I'm about to share it with you.

Here's the thing, GOD knows exactly what you are going through. Look in a mirror, He created you. Look around you, He created it all! God is all-knowing, He knows and understands exactly how you feel and what you're going through. In fact, He knew what you were going to before you went through it, the Word proves it.

9remember the former things of old;
for I am God, and there is no other;
I am God, and there is none like me,
10declaring the end from the beginning
and from ancient times things not yet done,
saying, 'My counsel shall stand,
and I will accomplish all my purpose,'
-Isaiah 46:9-10

In other words, before it happened for us, it already happened in front of God. Remember, He has no time constraints, so He is not limited to a minute, an hour, a second, etc. The Bible says that to God, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like a day. He exists in eternity, so therefore when a word is spoken through the mouth of God, to us it might not be a reality yet, but it's already in existence in eternity. Maybe I'm getting a little bit ahead of myself here, but that's something that blows my mind just thinking about it.

Now then, where was I? Oh yes, the "nobody understands me" phenomenon. Look, lemme tell you something, you might be right in saying "you don't understand" to someone, because you're probably right. That person probably doesn't understand your exact situation or circumstance, because they're not you. They don't deal with problems the way you do, their emotions don't manifest in the way yours do, and they might not have as short of a temper as you do, or they might not have had the same upbringing as you.

My response? SO WHAT. So what if nobody understands you? So what if your parents abandoned you? So what if you feel like you have the whole weight of the world on your shoulders and no one to help you? So what if nobody wants to be your boyfriend or girlfriend? SO WHAT? So what if your friends leave you hanging or mock you? SO WHAT?

When nobody understands you,
GOD understands you.
(Jeremiah 29:11)
If your parents abandoned you,
GOD will pick you up.
(Psalms 27:10)
If you feel like you have the whole weight of the world on your shoulders,
GOD carries it all.
(Isaiah 53:5)
If you don't feel loved,
GOD loves you.
(Romans 5:8)
If your friends leave you hanging,
GOD is always there.
(Joshua 1:9)
If your friends make fun of you,
remember who you serve!
(Galatians 6:7)

to be continued....